
Day 3: Make-Up Routine.

Sorry these have been so spaced out!
But here is day 3 of my beauty care mini-series. 
I didn't take a video of myself putting on make-up, because one, I refuse to do that and two, I don't own a video camera anyways. So bear with me with all the photos that are about to ensue. :)

I've read that applying foundation with a brush is better, but I just put dots of foundation on my face.

Next, I apply powder foundation 

 I put blush on the apples of my cheek's and then brush out to my temples.
Then, I take the bronzer and use it on my cheekbones.

I seriously hate putting on eyeshadow. It never looks right/good to me. Suggestions would be great!

I HATE this eyeliner. DO NOT get it! 

Mascara time! How many people poke their eyes? Or sneeze right after putting it on?

LOVE Revlon Lip Butter.


Finished product!