
Fashion, fashion, fashion.

I've been trying to think of different things to blog about because I'm trying to be better about blogging.
So idea #1! Show some of my outfits and hair styles since I am a fashion merchandising major.
Once I get back to school, I'll get better about photographing my daily outfits and hair styles.
But for now, here's what I currently have.

Messy bun! Did this without looking too.

LBD at an Iota Chi mixer.
Another LBD at Iota Chi semi-formal.

Winter outfit!

In picture #2, I got the dress from Ross for $20 (a friend bought it for me, so it was FREE to me!)
Picture #3, I also got that dress from Ross for around $20 back in high school (and surprisingly, it still fits!)
Picture #4, Black peacoat from Target on sale for $40, blouse from my mom= FREE, black leggings from Wal-mart for $6, brown riding boots from Shoe Carnival for $50, and the grey purse from Ross for around $20.

I love looking through Pinterest and compiling outfits that fit my style.

Until next time!


A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...

So, instead of updating everyone on what I've been up to the past couple of months, I'll update y'all through pictures! Enjoy!

Sister came to visit!

Us at Luigi's

Facebook Epidemic 2012

Little Sister!

Little family!

Sister at the airport before she leaves to go home =/

Beau Keenan! That's my jersey.

Friend got beauxed!

Me and Beau Keenan!

Watching the Civil War game!

The turtle I found at Lake Austin

Listening to Willie and Korie Robertson from Duck Dynasty!

Friend at Relay for Life

Facebook epidemic

Friends after IX Barn Bash!

Iota Chi at Barn Bash!

Enough said

Me and blue boo at the Barn Bash!

Me and my date! We're hipsters.

At Starbucks after.

Me and Carl at Relay for Life.

Best friends plus Chelsea at Relay!

Haunted House!

Aren't they adorable?

Love these boys!


It's been a couple months since I've posted. I'm sorry! I have a couple bloggers that I follow and I get so annoyed when it's only been a day or so. So if I have any followers, I hope that you still are interested and read this post!

Anywho, a lot has happened since my last post in October.
Club visitation, Relay for Life, club week.
Lost friends, made friends, further deepened friendships.
Got a puppy, lost my job, car broke down. Went on academic probation.
Great-grandma died. Mom came home from China for the funeral.  Went to the funeral.

Now Christmas is almost upon us.
This year is really different.
Since my parents are living in China, it was just going to be me and my 2 sisters.
But, since my great-grandma died, my mom flew back here and so she'll be with us too.
Hopefully it's still a really good Christmas.
My mom really misses my dad and she tends to just focus on her feelings instead of being happy with the situation and making the most of it.
I kind of wish I had gone to Austin and spent that time with my aunt Michaeila.
Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with family. But only when they want to spend time with me.
It's uncomfortable when you're just hanging out with someone because they feel obligated.

Anywho, I get to move into a new house when I get back to Searcy! 
It's a super pretty house and the landlords have furnished it, aside from the bedrooms.
I get the master bedroom to myself, unless they find someone else to share the room with me.
And the master bathroom is INSANE! I'm so excited for it! There's 2 sinks with separate mirrors. A jacuzzi tub and then the toilet and shower are separate too. And the closet. OMG. Walk-in amazingness.

Well I better go for now! I'll post recent pictures when I find my camera.


Sick feelings, Fall Break, & Cults

So, I've been sick for the past month. It's been EXHAUSTING to say the least.
(Yes, I am aware that I have now posted 2 posts starting with the word "so". Y'all can just get over it.)
I finally broke down and went to the doctor today after I coughed up green gunk from my lungs.
(This was after I'd been running a fever for a week and a half AND losing my voice on Saturday.)
I don't have health insurance, so I was really trying to avoid going. But, luckily I found an income-based clinic and only had to pay $30 + $8 for antibiotics. Yay team.
The doctor said I have bronchitis. Awesome, right? Not... He said I was breathing pretty well considering.
I'm on an antibiotic and a steroid for my lungs, so I should be on the mend soonly!

I want to be feeling better in time for my trip to DALLAS this Thursday!
Harding doesn't get government holidays off, but we get a day break every semester. SO, one of my friend's invited me to her house along with a couple of our friends.
I'm SO excited!
I've never been to Dallas, aside from having layovers at the DFW airport, but that so doesn't count.
We're going to leave Thursday evening, go swimming and be lazy all day Friday, and then go SHOPPING on Saturday!!! We're going to the Galleria!! And NorthPark. My fashion merchandising major heart is about to die and go to heaven. =)))

Oh, this past weekend, my friends' and I partook in our almost weekly ritual of going to the local cult. Usually nothing happens, but that night, we were being SUPER obnoxious and blaring our music super loud and I ran from the car to one of the buildings and back. Nothing happened. But, when we sat on the property for not even 5 minutes, I saw 2 guys SPRINTING from one of the far buildings to where we were!! I yelled at my friends to let them know what I saw and my friend who was driving floored it out of there! We all screamed for a good minute. Those guys seriously looked like they were going to run to the car and start beating on it. But, thank goodness, they didn't.

Till next time!


Mixing those Mixers.

So, here at good ol' Harding, we like to Christian-ify everything. Classes, dorm life, everything... Including Greek life!

Instead of sororities and fraternities, we have us some nice old fashioned social clubs. Most of them have greek letters as names, but some don't. Whatever. It's basically the same thing, but without the crazy parties and living together in one big house.

I'm in Iota Chi. It's actually Latin for Jesus Christ. Cool, huh? Our colors are pink and black and our flower is the white stargazer lily. Everyone wears their jersey on either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday (depending on what club you're in...) See photo below.
The "club process" has started and I'm SO excited! It's my favorite time of year here at Harding. We have 3 mixers, visitation, and then pledge week. The first 2 mixers are open to everyone and we have themes. This year, 1st round mixer was "Kidding Around with Iota Chi" and 2nd round was "Tacky Christmas". After 2nd round mixer, the club votes on which girls we feel should continue on to 3rd round. Usually everyone makes it to 3rd round, unless there are strong objections to a girl. Every year, 3rd round mixer is "Pink Tie Affair". Everyone wears black and white semi-formal attire and all the members wear pink ties! It's my most favorite mixer, because who doesn't love dressing up?

We vote again after 3rd round and this time, we're really selective because whoever makes it to visitation is basically in the club. Then a couple weeks pass and we have visitation! The possible pledges get a list of every member and where they live on campus and then they have to come and visit us! It's a lot of fun and I love being able to have one-on-one time with the girls'. Mixers are mostly "Hi, I'm so and so and I'm from here and this is my major and here's an interesting fact about me". Visitation is way more personal and you get to show off your room! Well I can't, because I live off-campus and so I'm staking out in Sierra's room for the week... Oh well, I'll just show them pictures! Then, it's pledge week (oh sorry, club week...). Basically we get the new members for 5 hours every day (except for Wednesday- 3 hours and Friday- 7 hours) and have them do team building/unity activities and teach them about the club!

Needless to say, I'm SUPER excited! I can't wait for all the girls to get visitation so I can be excited with them. Here's all my pictures from all the mixers! Enjoy. =)

