
Gonna Get There Someday.

All during high school and especially during college, my teacher's have always asked "What are your goals in life?" This was kind of hard to imagine, especially in high school when I couldn't even see past my nose. I always hated the question "What do you hope to accomplish by the time your 10 year high school reunion rolls around?" Well, honestly with the high school I attended, I hoped to be as sophisticated (and rich) as I'm sure the rest of my class will already most likely be. I also hoped that we all would've matured enough in the past 10 years to not remember who was in what clique or who hated it. Anyways, I'm off my soap box now.

The point I'm trying to get at is that I wasn't really thinking of substantial goals. And up until recently (like yesterday), I didn't have too many specific goals. I had the whole "I want to get married and have kids and blah, blah, blah" fluffy goals, but only a few goals I could reach in say, 3 months, or a year, or after I graduate (disclaimer: I promise I'm not an airhead and wandering around aimlessly in life). So, I came up with even better ones.

Goals for the end of the Fall semester:
  1. Lose 4 pant sizes.
  2. Make the dean's list + get straight A's (both semesters). 
  3. Save, save, SAVE money!!!
Goals after I graduate:
  1. Move to Texas OR New York City.
  2.  Get a job as an assistant buyer or event planner.
  3. Be out of debt (aside from student loans. Ugh.) 
Life goals:
  1. Be a successful world traveling buyer
  2. OR be a successful event planner (maybe even have my own business!!)
  3. And of course be happily married with 3 wonderful children =)
Ciao for now!

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