
A healthy start

The past several years, I have been on a downward slope with my weight. When I was in China, I got real fit and toned and I wasn't even trying to! It was awesome. The best kind of work out, in my opinion. I wasn't eating processed foods and everything was super fresh. Plus, I walked everywhere because we didn't have a car. 

I won't say how much I weigh (I have to have some secrets!), but I've gained 100 pounds since coming back from China. While over 7 years that isn't bad, it's still not good for me. And I don't like the way I look. 

I plan on going on daily bike rides with my cousin. He has ADD and needs the outlet. Hopefully that will help! I'm living with my aunt and uncle this summer in Texas. They're health coaches for a program called Take Shape For Life. The point is, I've got the healthy eating part taken care of. 

So, take this journey with me please! Any and all encouragement would be fantastic, as well as any tips or advice. 

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you want to start a healthy lifestyle. Your ideas for bike riding & a healthy diet are great. As you already, know, both of these are going to make you feel good, as well. You are a beautiful young lady & your awesome determination will help you along this journey. Just pray for guidance, wisdom & strength & I will, too. I love you, Grandma
