
I Hate Valentines

Valentines Day.
Red hearts, red roses, chocolate, cards. 
Sounds great, if you're in a relationship!
I tend to be rather cynical about this holiday. 
I admit I will refer to this holiday as "Single Awareness Day", instead of Valentines Day. 
I, along with most single gals, don't want to be reminded of our singledom. Especially when a consumeristic holiday rubs it in our faces once a year. 

Last year, I decided to be proactive about Valentines Day. Knowing full well I wasn't going to sucker some poor, unfortunate boy into being my Valentine, I decided to do something different. 
Granted, I got the original idea from the movie, Valentines Day... (If you haven't seen it, you should! It's about 10 different people who are shown celebrating Valentines Day in different ways in LA.). Jessica Biel's character throws an annual I Hate Valentines Day party every year with her single gals. 

I decided to do the same!
So, I created a Facebook event and invited a bunch of my single gal pals (and even some guys!) and made a spaghetti dinner at my house. It was a lot of fun spending the time with my friends' and doing something different, instead of stuffing our faces with Ben and Jerry's and crying to The Notebook (again!). 

This year, I decided to do it again. But this year, I picked a theme!
Breakfast At Tiffany's!! 
Because who doesn't love Audrey Hepburn?? 
Dinner will consist of a pancake bar, bacon and egg bites, fruit salad, mock tails, and mini strawberry shortcakes on skewers. 
I encouraged everyone to wear black dresses and pearls, so hopefully everyone does!
Of course we'll be watching Breakfast at Tiffany's. 

Here's pictures from Pinterest that I'll be incorporating in my I Hate Valentines Day party. 
If you're single, seize the day and have an I hate Valentines Day party with your gals! 

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