
6 Things You Should Know...

I follow a blog called Life in Technicolor. It's written by this sweet Mormon gal named Gracie. If you look at her blog, you'll see that mine is very similar to hers. Her blog actually gave me such wonderful inspiration for the format, as well as to blog!

She had this questionnaire on her blog that I would like to do as well. She tagged other bloggers to do as well, but I don't really follow enough blogs to do that. But if you're reading my blog and would like to fill out this questionnaire, please do! Leave a comment below with the link to your blog and I'll check it out. =)

1) Favorite song of the week.
My favorite song this week is Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars.
I love this song SO much. I made sure not to be a silly cliche of a girl and connect it to some boy. This song helped me get through pledge week when I was a freshman. I would listen to it every morning on repeat. It was like a mini pep talk in music form. It got me through that CRAZY week and every time I listen to that song, it reminds me of that week and all the memories I formed with such a wonderful group of girls. Plus, it makes me feel happy when I'm feeling down.

2)Why do you blog? What makes you stick with it?
I have always been a writer. I love to write about my feelings or on topics given to me by teachers in class. It gives me a rush. I love to write about things that are important to me. I hope that my words will positively affect anyone who reads them, like I've been positively affected by words I've read from others. What better way to do that than with a blog? I have had this blog for a year now and haven't really stuck with being consistent about updating it. But, this summer, I have A LOT of spare time to write. Plus, I figured out the nifty schedule button that let's me post things later on in the week. So when I have a lot of time to kill or am on a writing kick, I can pop out a couple blog posts and space them out.

3)What's your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is watching tv or movies when it's perfectly sunny outside. I don't know what it is that makes me choose watching something I can record (and most of the time, it has been previously recorded) when I can go outside and enjoy God's creation. But I do and it's my guilty pleasure. I've gotten hooked on to a lot of tv shows or have rewatched tv shows that have gone off air. Check out all the ones I watch!
One Tree Hill, Grey's Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars, The Big Bang Theory, Mistresses, Gilmore Girls, Chicago Fire, Tia and Tamera, and XOX Betsey Johnson.

4)What's the one beauty product you can't live without?
I would have to say my Baby Lips chapstick. My good friend, Rebekah, got me hooked on to it this past school year. Needless to say, I'm now addicted and can't go anywhere without it. It's a great moisturizer, has SPF (always a plus!), and each shade has a slight tint to it!

5)Where do you see yourself/your life in 5 years from now?
Oh, I love this question. I've been asked some form of it since high school. Until recently, I had always given the fluff answer "married, with kids, have a great job". Not saying I don't want those things, because trust me, I do! But, most of all, I want to be happy. Happy with my life (both the physical and spiritual side), my job, my future husband and children, everything. I hear so many people say these days that "Oh, I wish I had done this or that" or "I will be happy once I reach this point or goal in my life". Experience has taught me that you need to cherish every moment God gives you and be happy with what you have. Like my baby sister used to always say "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit".

6)What's something about yourself that your readers don't know? (a fact about you, a goal, an embarrassing moment, anything!)
Most of my friends and family will tell you that I am an open book. I truly am. I try not to hide things from anyone and I'm ok with talking about most things that people don't typically talk about. It has gotten me into trouble sometimes, but I've learned when and where to say things  (and definitely where not to!). But something some people may find shocking is that I'm very vulnerable and sensitive. I get my feelings hurt at the drop of a hat. It's something I've struggled with all of my life. I've learned to build walls, be confrontational, and use sarcasm as a vice. Close friends have caught on to that and kudos to those individuals. Even though I'm an open book, it's still really hard for me to truly be open and honest to people because of trust issues that I have.

Now it's your turn to answer questions! Pick 6 questions from below and post them on your blog! =)

Pick 6 of the following questions:
1) Who is your role model? Real or fictional. Explain!
2) What (or who) motives you? (It's different from question 1, promise.)
3) Mac or PC?
4) You get an all-expense paid trip to anywhere in the world. Where would it be and why?
5) What is your greatest accomplishment (or failure)
6) What's your guilty pleasure?
7) What's something about yourself that your readers don't know? (a fact about you, a goal, an embarrassing moment, anything!)
8) Favorite place to unwind. =)

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